[WIP] WebGL wrapper for 2D painting
paintgl depends on paintvec.
npm install --save github:seanchas116/paingvec
npm install --save github:seanchas116/paintgl
import {Vec2, Rect, Transform} from "paintvec"
import {Color, Context, Texture, RectShape, ColorShader, TextureShader, TextureDrawTarget, CanvasDrawTarget} from "paintgl"
// create context
const context = new Context(document.getElementById("canvas") as HTMLCanvasElement)
// create a texture with size
const texture = new Texture(context, {size: new Vec2(400, 400)})
// create a draw target the draws into the texture
const drawTarget = new TextureDrawTarget(context, texture)
// clear whole texture with color
drawTarget.clear(new Color(0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 1))
// create a shape that is drawn into the draw target
const shape = new RectShape(context)
shape.rect = new Rect(new Vec2(100, 100), new Vec2(200, 300))
// specify shader of the shape
shape.shader = ColorShader
shape.uniforms["color"] = new Color(0.9, 0.1, 0.2, 1)
// apply some transform
drawTarget.transform = Transform.rotate(0.1 * Math.PI)
// draw shape into draw target
// create a draw target that draws directly into canvas element
const canvasDrawTarget = new CanvasDrawTarget(context)
// create a shape for texture
const textureShape = new RectShape(context)
textureShape.rect = new Rect(new Vec2(0), texture.size)
textureShape.shader = TextureShader
textureShape.uniforms["texture"] = texture
// draw texture into canvas