
Type aliases

BlendMode: "src" | "src-over" | "src-in" | "src-out" | "src-atop" | "dst" | "dst-over" | "dst-in" | "dst-out" | "dst-atop"

BlendMode represents how drawn color and destination color are blended.

ImageSource: ImageData | HTMLVideoElement | HTMLImageElement | HTMLCanvasElement

PixelFormat: "alpha" | "rgb" | "rgba"

The pixel format of the texture.

PixelType: "byte" | "half-float" | "float"

The pixel type of the texture.

ShapeUsage: "static" | "stream" | "dynamic"

TextureFilter: "nearest" | "mipmap-nearest" | "bilinear" | "mipmap-bilinear" | "trilinear"

The texture filter that is used in scaling.

UniformValue: number | Vec2 | Color | Transform | Texture


blendFuncs(gl: WebGLRenderingContext, mode: BlendMode): Array<number>

glFormat(gl: WebGLRenderingContext, format: PixelFormat): number

glType(context: Context, pixelType: PixelType): any

glUsage(gl: WebGLRenderingContext, usage: ShapeUsage): number